An educational portal of truths. A place to visit and expand one's perspective and to elevate one self. By elevating the individuals we elevate our collective society. The place to start, just simply doing the right things.  As the site evolves it will include the sources of the dogma of this organization.  Sources like the Federalist Papers, which explains how our founders wrote the Constitution as it is, other research sites like opensecrets.org, truethevote.org and justfacts.com to name a very few.

The goal is to form a unified voice for all Americans’ devoid of the typical stereotypes but solely based on righteous causes.  Causes based on moral values, yet not founded in any religion as our founders labeled with a single God described as Natural God.  A God not biased by any religion, church or theocracy.  The goal of Just Do The Right Things is to be the grass roots lobby group of the people.  And to return the power of this country back to the people and beat the Corporate Elite at their own game with the rules they created.  Be part of the solution and participate in Americas’ future.

JustDoTheRightThings.org is a Grass Roots organization, of like-minded people who believe in making sound choices, based on some type of moral compass.  JustDoTheRightThings.org does not represent any stereotype group labels such as, party, religion or any divisive terms or buzz words which divide.  Division of a nation’s people creates instability and instability is hinders improvement.  Thus the premise of JustDoTheRightThings.org.  JustDoTheRightThing.org is committed to being inclusive of all American’s regardless of their personal beliefs and life styles.  Our founders intended that participating in the affairs of our country to be separate from our personal beliefs and life styles.  When it comes to governing chores, America should come first over self and Just Do the Right Things.